Wines and Oils of excellence, expression of the Territory of the Colli Lanuvini

Wines and Oils of excellence, expression of the Territory of the Colli Lanuvini

Il Territorio racconta...

Il Territorio racconta...

La Luna del Casale

an Organic Farm

Our products are all organically grown: the wine from the low yielding Lanuvian Hills is of the highest quality and reflects the particular characteristics of the land. The extra virgin olive oil is made from hand-picked olives and cold pressed. You will receive a warm welcome on your visits to celebrate the beauty and fruits of this Territory with us.

Luna (Moon), for the ancient Latin people, was the goddess of the celestial body that lights the night, and, through its phases, punctuates the rhythm of fertility of women and harvests.

The Moon, that shines quiet and aware over our lands, along with us takes care of the vines and the olive trees from which we breed oils and wines that have the excellence of passion.

Feet on the Earth, head in the Sky.

LA LUNA DEL CASALE® is a family business: inside it there’s my care, a young and well-known oenologist’s talent, my husband’s support, the joyful smile of my children (who sometimes decorate the casks with coloured chalks!), but, most of all, a deeply suitable Territory (the Colli Lanuvini – the hills around Lanuvio), that we go along with by natural processes, a look at organic farming and very low yields. For this reason, our Customers know they can rely on us, from the vineyard to the bottle.

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LA LUNA DEL CASALE: news from our blog...

LA LUNA DEL CASALE: The hills, the passion, the people.

The hills…

The Colli Lanuvini represent an area of extraordinary vocation for viticulture. Located at the foothills of the volcano in the Parco dei Castelli Romani, these gentle slopes offer a unique and privileged environment for grape cultivation. The pedoclimatic conditions of the Colli Lanuvini are optimal for the production of high-quality grapes. The volcanic soil, rich in minerals and nutrients, provides the vines with a solid and nourishing foundation to grow vigorous and produce fruits rich in character. Furthermore, the moderate altitude and hillside position favor a temperate climate, with temperature variations that contribute to a balanced grape ripening, maintaining freshness and aromatic complexity. The presence of a variety of microclimates within the Colli Lanuvini allows for the cultivation of different grape varieties, ensuring diversification in winemaking production and the opportunity to best express the characteristics of each variety. Furthermore, the scenic beauty of the Colli Lanuvini, with its picturesque landscapes and rich history that permeates the region, adds further value to the territory, inspiring a deep connection between the land, the local community, and winemaking production.

Paolo Peira

Paolo Peira è riconosciuto come uno degli enologi più autorevoli nel panorama italiano, vantando un curriculum di alto livello. Biologo di formazione, ha conseguito il diploma di Enologo presso la facoltà di enologia di Bordeaux. È stato docente nei corsi per Sommelier FISAR, ONAV e per il “Master of Wine” di Slow Food. Inoltre, ha ricoperto ruoli di docenza nel “Corso sui vini italiani” presso la facoltà di enologia di Bordeaux, nel master di Enologia dell’Università Cattolica di Milano e nel corso di enologia della Facoltà di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo (CN). Nominee as best young oenologist for the Luigi Veronelli Prize in 2007.

He sheds its passion for wine in teaching and gives professional advice to about twenty firm all over Italy, but especially in the region of Lazio, seat of the company Enoconsult, for which he works.

Producers follow his advice in each phase of the production process, from vintage to bottling.

Founder of Antesi s.r.l. based in Rome.

Enrico Vescovi

After studying Agricultural Sciences at the Tuscia University, my job is to make the products I love better known – the wines and oil of La Luna del Casale.

I offer my clients a personalized approach to consulting, proposing assortments and quantities according to a principle of “reciprocal tuning“.

To yours!